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Terms & Conditions

  • Only petPros in good standing with pawTree LLC are eligible to attend the pawTree CALL OF THE WILD Alaskan Adventure 2021-2022
  • The deadline to register for this event or forfeit attendance is 15 days after official notification at 5pm CT. This includes payment for any stateroom upgrades or guest buy ins. A US Passport is required for travel at the petPro's expense. A Passport ID number must be available at the time of registering.
  • For petPros who are already qualified through the 2021 program, all rules on qualifying by tiers for that program still apply. You will receive the tier reward you qualified for on that program.
  • Points are not transferable. Points cannot be combined with another petPro’s points. Points from previous pawTrip are not carried over to this pawTrip. pawTrip accommodations are for double-occupancy interior cabins.
  • No alternate compensation or accommodation will be offered in lieu of attendance. There is no cash equivalent value if a petPro cannot or does not attend, whether by choice or a personal circumstance. No amounts will be paid or refunded if a petPro decides not to attend or cannot attend the cruise trip. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
  • All qualifying flights for petPros and guests must be booked through pawTree selected travel agent. Flights booked using rewards points cannot be refunded. 
  • pawTree will offer cabin upgrades. All cabin upgrade buy ins are subject to availability and will be provided on a 'first come first served' basis once petPro has qualified for pawTrip. The rate for an upgrade to a cabin with a window is $90 and for a balcony is $662. This is a per passenger rate. If a petPro brings a guest both the petPro and the guest of the petPro must pay the upgrade amount. A qualifying petPro may not upgrade their ticket and not the ticket of their guest.
  • pawTree will offer single cabin buyout options for petPros that are traveling alone and do not wish to be paired with another qualifying petPro. The rates for a single cabin are $585 USD for the standard cabin offered in this campaign. If the qualifying petPro chooses to upgrade to a cabin with an ocean view or balcony, the single rate is $765 USD for an ocean view cabin or $1909 USD for a balcony cabin
  • pawTree will permit buy in option for one guest to accompany per qualifying petPro ID. Guest must be 18 or older and not a petPro who is registered under an ID other than the qualifying petPro. Guest will be booked into the same cabin as the qualifying petPro. Buy in rates are $1270.15 USD for the standard cabin offered in this campaign or the 2nd passenger rate charged by the cruise line at the time of booking including early arrival hotel the night of 5/12. If the qualifying petPro chooses to upgrade to a cabin with an ocean view or balcony, the buy in rate is $1360.15 USD for an ocean view cabin or $1932.15 USD for a balcony cabin or the 2nd passenger rate charged by the cruise line at the time of booking including early arrival hotel the night of 5/12. Buy in rate include cruise passenger ticket + one hotel night only (shared cabin & hotel room) + transportation to the port from the hotel where petPros will be staying the night before boarding and from the port to the airport at the end of the cruise - does not cover air fare or other 'not included' items specified by pawTree. All buy ins are subject to availability and will be provided on a 'first come first served' basis. The petPro assumes all responsibility for his/her guest and releases pawTree from any liability for such guest in consideration for pawTree allowing them to join the cruise trip.
  • Any petPro who is traveling alone will be paired with one other qualifying petPro. pawTree does not guarantee specific roommates other than matching up with petPros of the same sex.
  • pawTree reserves the right to modify trip dates, inclusions or program specifics at any time, and may even cancel the trip for any reason beyond the reasonable control of pawTree or the cruise line, including but not limited to "Acts of God", civil unrest, war, transportation disruption, weather or national emergency, labor strikes, pandemic or any other circumstance that pawTree of the cruise line, in their sole discretion, deems as making the Cruise Trip impracticable, impossible or unsafe. Should such circumstances necessitate cancellation of the Cruise Trip, pawTree shall not be liable for any damage, loss, liability, cost or expense of petPro or petPro guests, nor will be obligated to reschedule the Cruise Trip or provide a separate or additional compensation of any kind.
  • Each petPro and guest who joins the Cruise Trip must abide by health guidelines set by the cruise line to board the ship.
  • Each petPro who joins the Cruise Trip must understand the pawTree will not be liable for any physical injury or monetary loss a petPro or petPro's guest may experience on the Cruise Trip. In consideration of pawTree allowing the petPro and any guest to attend the Cruise Trip, each petPro, for her/himself, and on behalf of any guest, releases pawTree, its officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all liability arising out of or in connection with the Cruise Trip and any activities in connection with the Cruise Trip. In addition, as a condition of attending the Cruise Trip, the petPro must indemnify, defend and hold harmless pawTree from any and all liability arising out of the attendance on the Cruise trip by the petPro and guests, or any misuse of any facilities onboard the ship by the petPro or guests, except to the extent such damages arise directly from pawTree's willful misconduct.
  • Without the petPro's release and indemnity of pawTree set forth in the paragraph above, pawTree would not allow the petPro or guest to attend the pawTrip. If the petPro does not agree to the terms of such release and indemnity, the petPro should not and cannot attend the pawTrip. By attending the pawTrip, each petPro confirms her or his agreement to the release and indemnity language in the paragraph above.
  • By attending the event, the petPro (and on behalf of the petPro's guest), consents to interviews, photography, audio recording, video recording and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, or any other purpose by pawTree without any further payment to the petPro or guests of petPro. Each petPro (for him/herself and on behalf of guest), releases pawTree from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and sound recordings.
  • By attending the event, the petPro (and on behalf of the petPro's guest), waives all rights they may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, television, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged, and they also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by pawTree or person engaged by pawTree to do so.
  • petPros attending the pawTrip will be solely responsible for income taxes attributable to incentive trips and other awards.
  • Prior to official notification of achievement or qualifying petPros, all information regarding status and qualifications is unofficial and subject to change and verification by pawTree. There are several factors that may contribute to a variance in status and qualifications.
  • As noted in policy 22 of the Policies and Procedures, bonus buying is not permitted. Per policy 27, pawTree reserves the right to take back bonuses paid, or incentive rewards earned on cancelled orders, including but not limited to rewards earned on EZ Ship orders cancelled before their 3rd shipment cycle. Also, please note policy 23 regarding qualified new petPro enrollments. pawTree reserves the right to take back income and/or incentive rewards on cancelled or unverifiable petPro enrollments.
  • petPros qualifying for the pawTrip may not sell substitute, transfer, or reassign their pawTrip reservation.